Emergency Services
Emergency Services are available for 24 hrs, under the supervision of Dr. S. Sathyanarayanan.
Hospital owns 2 Ambulances equipped with Resuscitation Systems for first aid to the patient and one Cardiac Ambulance for Cardiac Patients. Sri Chakra Hospital is known for providing advanced emergency services with rapid response for any kind of treatment. We have well-equipped emergency and trauma center with facilities of international standards.

- 24*7 comprehensive emergency medical services
- 24*7 clinical laboratory service
- 24*7 Blood Bank
- 24*7 dedicated diagnostics services
- 24*7 availability of well equipped ambulances, managed by trained emergency medical personnel
- State-of-the-art emergency care equipment
- Staff qualified and experienced in emergency medical care (BLS & ACLS)
Emergency Specialties
- Critical care emergencies
- Cardiac emergencies
- Road accidents
- Head injuries
- Medical emergencies
- Obstetric & Gynecological emergencies
- Pediatric emergencies